Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Instruction Session Fun!

In a completely unrelated meeting today Jennifer, Pete and I got to talking about fun or goofy stuff that we do during (or before) instruction sessions to try to get and keep the students attention. I said I would post a link to the Pre-Show Entertainment that I loop before some sessions. It's a timed PowerPoint with stuff, about the library, campus activities etc.

Pre-Show Entertainment (PPT)

The timings work if it opens in a browser window, just let it sit there.

Anyone wanna share any other fun stuff they do?


Blogger Jennifer said...

I know Pete and David have already heard the prize drawing idea, but here it is again for anyone else: Fill your pocket with small squares of paper. Whenever someone responds to a question you ask, give them a square and tell them to write their name on it. Do this throughout the class. I usually give them to anyone who makes a comment--correct, incorrect, insightful, other. At the end of class, gather the squares in a bowl, and have someone draw a winner (I often ask the professor). Award the winner a fabulous prize! I've given out, among other things, a Chinese yoyo, a golden pencil, and a pack of M&M's.

On Valentine's Day I gave out heart stickers.

The other day I had to teach how to use a print index. I copied a page from one and handed it around (Sherry's idea) with the different parts labeled. Then I scanned the same page and projected it to reinforce the handout. Oh, and I had a cart of print indexes in the room, too. Not "fun," but different people respond to different media.

Haven't tried the chicken suit, but certainly not against it.

9:25 AM  
Blogger Jennifer said...

Thanks, David, for the slideshow. I've used an adaptation for my last two classes. Unfortunately, both turned out to be classes that first met in their classrooms and then came to the library instruction classroom together, so no one was early to see it. Oh, well...I'll keep using it.

9:39 AM  
Blogger David said...

Yeah, I've had that problem too. Either they'll all come at once by chance or meet in their regular room first. But it's fun seeing all the stuff that happened on a day anyway! If we had audio in our room I'd record some commentary too. Then people would always come early!

4:18 PM  

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