Monday, March 21, 2005

Google scholar

Hey Everyone,
I've been looking at Google Scholar a bit lately, and I just wondered what others thought of it. I have found some of the results are links to articles in subscription databases which are not very helpful. What have your experiences been like? Should we be teaching ATEC students about Google Scholar? Thanks.

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

What's In A Name?

Howdy. I encountered a little controversy today during a Faculty Development Day presentation when referring to "teaching faculty" and "librarians" in an exercise on perceptions. Where I was trying to go was that while "teaching faculty" and "librarians" have different roles (and maybe different perceptions of each other and info lit)in the educational team of an institution, these differences can used as a positive when collaborating on research/ library assignments etc.

One person took offense at my terms, essentially arguing that it was divisive. And no, it wasn't a librarian. In retrospect, I would have used the terms "classroom faculty" and "library faculty". But I would definitely do the exercise again as I do believe that we all bring a little something different to the educational table, and that can make for an exciting collaborative environment and educational opportunities for our students. Any thoughts on this?